Showing posts with label design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label design. Show all posts

Monday, November 29, 2010

Just Launched :) My PrintBusinessCards.Com Portfolio

I wish I could say I have accomplished a lot more lately as far as furthering my photography interests goes, but family has come first and work has been busy.

I landed my hands on a classic Canon QL 17 GIII rangefinder and am ecstatic about it. It belongs to my sister and she acquired it in the early 80s. I had to replace the light seal but that was not too difficult with readily available information shared by others on many blogs and forums. 99 cents 8.5 x 11 black craft foam from Michaels ,some acetone and double sided tape did the trick.

The other notable event was I sold my Mamiya RB67 ProSD with 90mm lens, to fund the acquisition of a Mamiya 645e with two prime lenses. Well, I wanted to shoot more medium format outdoor and the Mamiya 645e is a plastic shell with a metal body and considerably lighter than the monstrous RB67. This means I can take the medium format camera out with me to farmers market and be "slightly" incognito and don't break my back doing so. I have finished putting a roll of Neopan 400 through it and the results are wonderful. Mamiya MF lenses are awesome and very inexpensive today. The images are sharp, crisp!!.

As soon as I can get a decent scan of the images I shot with the Mamiya and Canon rangefinder, I will post them on my blogs. Shall write a review on both cameras.

Dgital is the medium I use most for obvious reasons but traditional black and white film photography is really my ultimate escape :)

Coming back to project no 3, I finally signed up with as a contributor. A short learning curve and a few weeks later, I am officially a contributor/artist and so I wanted to share that. Above is a screen grab of my portfolio is good to have another channel to show my work and generate a little income to pay for an expensive (but satisfying) endeavor.... :)

Do check them out Here...added to my To Do List: design 20-30 more templates in the coming weeks.
Cheers...Happy shooting

Bryan Peterson's Understanding Photography Field Guide: How to Shoot Great Photographs with Any Camera

Monday, September 28, 2009

Bali on my mind.....

Wish I was more productive these past couple of weeks when essentially I have been in hiatus. Since returning from my 6 month stay in San Francisco, I desperately wanted to get some of my pet projects off the ground. I have not shot anything new for stock photography, wanted to see how things shake out with all the consolidation that is happening in the industry. Having said that I have seen increased downloads lately after a really tepid summer. I am saving every penny I made from stock photography as I have a lens I really want to get.

" are in my mind"

Playing around with Photoshop CS2, I had set my sights on a print pattern in my head. My photo as the original image, working with earth tone, or was it tuscan red? It could be that the late summer weather in the Pacific Northwest this year has influenced my color selection, may be....I am a warm blooded soul, the warmth of a pretty summer day lifts my spirit. I enjoy sitting on the verandah, sipping iced tea, reading a book, enjoying the simple scenery aorund me, my mind wondering to a distant shore.

Host your photos at Smugmug

I would start with a photo that has quite a few colors and proceeded to work in different filters layer by layer. This one came from a photo of a garden taken at Boston Harbor in Olympia this past weekend. I worked on the pattern until it jumped out at me, and I stopped. As it unfolded infront of my eyes, my mind was transported back to the magical island of Bali, women dressed in pretty Indonesian batik sarongs. Life is slow, often those who set foot never is true. The people are forever so hospitable, the scenery so idyllic befitting of a tropical paradise.

While you are thinking about Bali and plotting your next get away, you might want to pick up the following books: